You know when you want to lose weight or gain muscle?
It seems like such a long, painful, frustrating road. It doesn't seem like eating that 1 cookie on Monday would make any difference either way. Or even that 1 extra bite of icecream. Really, what is an extra 50 calories going to do? So, what if I skip a workout. It's not going to make that big of a difference....right?
You are right an extra bite here and missing a work out there, doesn't make a big difference. But, what happens to the person that makes the right decision over the tiny things 50 times in a row? Then you have a HUGE difference!
Today, I got to talk to my kids on Skype. It was great! Talking to them on the phone every day gets frustrating. They are small and don't really carry on a conversation. I just want to hold them and not have to ask them about their day, or what they are doing. I just want to make silly faces and break up fights, and get them juice. But, right now I have to focus on what I can do. And all I can do are tiny tiny things that I have to hope are enough, and that my Heavenly Father will make up for what I can't do. So, the seemingly pointless phone calls add up to something, the silliness on skype today, definantely another tiny step in turning this whole new life into something GREAT!
The tiny tiny things matter the most! Plus, the tiny things are usually all we are allowed to control anyway. After the tiny stuff its all faith that the Lord will make up the rest.
So, get excited about the tiny things. Be thrilled to pass up that extra bite. Applaud when you read an uplifting story other than watch smut on TV. Smile while you once again, for the thousandth time, kindly tell your child to go to bed...cause it matters!
YAY for the Tiny Things!
I agree completely. They definitely matter. Thanks for posting this