Monday, July 5, 2010

Sunday Thoughts


Prayer is interesting, yet so simple. Don't make it more complicated than it is.

What would you do if you wanted to develop a relationship with someone?
Hmmm, maybe TALK to them? You might think about them during the day.
You might actually try to get to know them.

So...if you want to have a relationship with your Father in Heaven, what might be the best way of doing that?

Does a prayer count when you are laying in your bed, with no words to say, only tears. You can't find the strength to kneel let alone fold your arms correctly. There you are just flat on your back starring at the ceiling, just begging for anything. Is that prayer?

When your driving in the car and you get so scared to turn the corner and see 'her' there, and you simply ask, please give me peace. Is that prayer?


Prayer is simply communicating with your Heavenly Father.

He will answer you. Sometimes as boldly as instantaneous peace. Sometimes wrapping his warmth around you so you can sleep. Sometimes it is clarity for things to come. Most of the time it is simple answers that we don't want to hear. Like: 'go to bed', or 'stop crying, and get off the floor', or 'call your friend'.

Sometimes he sends people to you, like a familiar face on a plane ride. Sometimes a friend at the door during a desperate time. Sometimes a child giving you a hug.

Our prayers are answered constantly, most of the time the answers are too simple and too easy to recognize.

Don't complicate things, he wants to bless you. He is answering you. Let Him.

---and that is Prayer according to me----

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