Monday, September 13, 2010

That GUT feeling

Somethings just not right?----You ARE right.
Maybe I should do...----YES you should.

Recent GUT feeling: About a week ago I had a thought to invite a neighbor over for dinner. It's all I could think about all day. Didn't really think about what we would have for dinner, or how we would get everyone around the table just really wanted to have her and her family over for dinner.

Since then, we have come to the conclusion that we are each others angels. I am where I am because I needed her and she needed me. I'm so grateful for a Heavenly Father that knows better than me.

Gut feeling last year: I rarely watch TV. I caught a glimpse of a Dateline special that would be airing the following Friday. I randomly set it to record. All week I found myself so anxious to watch it. I cut a visit with a friend short to go home and watch it. As I watched, it was interesting but then it hit...a simple sentence from a man that had endured the unimaginable in disappointment..."This is what I will do until I die, if that is what it takes, I will simply keep marching." I think of that quote everyday.

Someone elses Gut feeling: I was in horrible despair and a friend knocked on my door. She had never casually dropped by. It was fairly late. And she just felt like she should. I needed her there that instant. So grateful for her listening to that feeling.

Listen to your 'GUT' it's actually your spirit telling you where you should be and what you should be doing. I find it funny that we are so amazed when we find out we were right to follow it. I think when we get to Heaven and realize our infinite potential we will laugh at the things we had once been amazed by.


  1. This is true. It is also scientifically proven so. I listen to my gut a whole lot more since my baby boy almost died.

  2. BAH!!! I ignored mine once earlier this week, ignored it, and then got a re-due yesterday!! Ignored it again.... MAD MAD MAD at myself. I need to just DO IT, regardless of how stupid it sounds or how scary it feels. no more!! Thanks for this!
