Sunday, March 27, 2011

Reality of Divorce

Life is so good, so much happiness fills our days. But, there are still sad moments... One night Lulu was missing her Dad: "I miss my Dad and all my friends". Me: Honey, I moved a lot when I was a kid. I had to leave my friends and I missed them, but my life was still happy. Lulu: "Did your Dad live with you"? Me: Yes. Lulu: "Then you don't know. Your Dad always lived with you, mine doesn't"! Me: Speechless...just held her while she cried herself to sleep. As much pain as we all went through to end a life we knew, it's hard to realize that this little girl has to deal with that same pain as well. How do such big emotions and feelings fit into such a little girl? The fact is...they don't, and it's heart wrenching to see it spill out. -------------------- Bobo (while driving in the car): "I want to tell you about my Dad. He likes to sing, he is tall, he tells funny stories about monsters. You know my Dad"? Kids are truly amazing, and such a strength to others. I'm learning so much from them.

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